Kriteria diagnosis sle pdf

Definisi sistemic lupus erythematosus sle adalah suatu penyakit auto imun yang kronik dan menyerang berbagai system dalam tubuh. Sedangkan bila hanya 3 kriteria dan salah satunya ana positif, maka sangat mungkin sle dan diagnosis bergantung pada pengamatan klinis. Perbandingan diagnosis systemic lupus erythematosus. Salah satu yang paling lama dan paling sering digunakan adalah kriteria klasifikasi american college of rheumatology acr modifikasi tahun 1997.

Oleh karena itu, ketepatan diagnosis dan deteksi dini penyakit sle penting untuk diperhatikan, mengingat gejala penyakit ini sama dengan penyakit lain. Bila hasil tes ana negatif, maka kemungkinan bukan sle. Keempat kriteria ini dapat muncul secara bersamaan atau serial. Pdf 2015 acrslicc revised criteria for diagnosis of systemic. American college of rheumatology diagnostic criteria american college of. Pdf 2015 acrslicc revised criteria for diagnosis of. Recommendations for immunologic domains and criteria.

Sle didasarkan pada karakteristik temuan klinis sistem organ yang terkena seperti kul it. Most people with ra do have some sort of joint damage. Batasan operasional diagnosis sle yang dipakai dalam rekomendasi ini diartikan sebagai terpenuhinya minimum kriteria definitif atau banyak kriteria terpenuhi klasik yang mengacu pada kriteria dari american college of rheumatology 2. Untuk mendiagnosis lupus, dokter akan menanyakan gejala yang dialami pasien, serta riwayat kesehatan pasien dan keluarganya. These criteria were developed and validated for the classification of patients with a longstanding established disease. Pedoman yang umumnya digunakan di indonesia adalah kriteria berdasarkan american college of rheumatology tahun 1997 yang sudah direvisi dan divalidasi oleh the systemic lupus international collaborating clinics slicc. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is an autoimmune disease in which cells and tissues undergo damage mediated by tissuebinding. Kriteria diagnostik sle pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh american college of rheumatology acr pada 1971 dan telah mengalami revisi pada 1982 dan 1997. Pada tahun 1982, kriteria ini di revisi menjadi hanya 11 item. Pemeriksaan antibodi antifosfolipid bukanlah pemeriksaan yang spesifik pada sle. Bila dijumpai 4 atau lebih kriteria diatas, diagnosis sle memiliki sensitifitas 85% dan spesifisitas 95%. Of the 294 patients with the clinical diagnosis sle, 257 87% fulfilled the proposed.

Clinical criteria acute cutaneous lupus or subacute cutaneous lupus. Th e extreme heterogeneity of the disease has led some investigators to propose that sle represents a syndrome rather than a single disease. If you dont diagnose and treat it in time, it could harm your joints. Iraj salehiabari 2015, 2015 acrslicc revised criteria for diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Perbandingan diagnosis systemic lupus erythematosus menggunakan kriteria american college of rheumatologi dan systemic lupus international collaborating clinics article pdf available march. Membandingkan kriteria acr dan kriteria slicc dan menilai agreement antara kriteria slicc dan acr untuk menegakkan diagnosis sle. Namun, jika negatif, diagnosis sle masih belum dapat disingkirkan. Lupus eritematosus sistemik patofisiologi, diagnosis. The 2019 eularacr classification criteria for sle include positive ana at least once as obligatory entry criterion. Sle manifestations are associated with multiple autoantibodies, ensuing immune complex formation and deposition, and other immune processes 2, 3.

Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is a heterogenic connective tissue disease with a broad spectrum of clinical and laboratory manifestations. Dalam kegiatan organisasinya, papdi memiliki beberapa kegiatan rutin yang diselenggarakan untuk menjaga kompetensi sejawat internis. The most common type is systemic lupus erythematosus sle, which affects many internal organs in the body. Acreular classification criteria for systemic sclerosis ssc, scleroderma 20 acr eular. The slicc criteria for sle classification requires. Dalam penegakkan diagnosis, terdapat beberapa kriteria yang digunakan. Because sle is uncommon and heterogeneous, its diagnosis can pose a considerable challenge, especially for. Sejumlah 33 51,6% subyek penelitian terkonfirmasi diagnosis sle berdasarkan kedua kriteria secara bersamasama. Kriteria diagnosis sle systemic lupus erythematosus.

Tujuan utama tatalaksana penyakit lupussle untuk memperbaiki kondisi pasien secara jangka panjang, maka pemberian terapi ditujukan agar dapat dicapai remisi penyakit, pencegahan kerusakan organ, dan. The incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus sle in the general population varies according to parameters of the studied population, such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, and national origin. Klasifikasi ini terdiri dari 11 kriteria, dimana diagnosis harus memenuhi 4 dari 11 kriteria tersebut. Pdf diagnostic criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus. The 2019 eularacr classification criteria for sle include positive ana at least once as obligatory en. Acr criteria diagnosis editor september 4, 2010 20100904t15. Kozhikode criteria for diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus as a hematological disorder n arathi,1, pk sasidharan,1,2 p geetha1 1department of medicine, 2department of haematology, government medical college, kozhikode, kerala, india abstract. Menegakkan diagnosis les memerlukan konsensus hingga kini, berbagai kriteria diagnosis klinis penyakit lupus telah diajukan akan tetapi yang paling banyak. American college of rheumatology acr yang telah dimodifikasi tahun 1997. The classification and diagnosis of cutaneous lupus. Full text kozhikode criteria for diagnosing systemic.

Pdf perbandingan diagnosis systemic lupus erythematosus. Antiphospholipid antibody tests were added to the 2012 slicc classification criteria, and the presence of any 1 of the following are included in the eularacr recommendations to increase sensitivity. Diffuse thinning or hair fragility with visible broken hairs with positive pulling test or apparent alopecia convincing the patient to ask for physician consultation. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is the prototypic multisystem autoimmune disorder with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations encompassing almost all organs and tissues. Diagnosis sle kriteria ara atau slicc proteinuria persisten, hematuri disertai sedimen yang aktif kenaikan titer ana dan anti ds dna lupus nefritis prevalensi 31 65 % ratarata 40 %. It can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs. The guidelines also clearly recommend that everyone over the age of 65 years should have a. American college of rheumatology classification criteria for.

Tanda dan gejala penyakit ini dapat bermacammacam, dapat bersifat sementara, dan sulit untuk didiagnosis. Tatalaksana penyakit lupus atau sle kedokteran caiherang. Diagnosis recommendations the guidelines clearly recommend bone mineral density testing for individuals over age 50 years with at least one major risk factor or two or more minor risk factors. Acr criteria for classification of systemic lupus erythematosus. Our objective was to update the eular recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus sle, based on emerging new evidence.

Penelitian studi crosssectional terhadap pasien sle yang dirawat di bagian anak rs sardjito yogyakarta antara januari 2009juni 2015. Metode total sampling digunakan pada penelitian ini. Batasan operasional diagnosis sle yang dipakai dalam rekomendasi ini diartikan sebagai terpenuhinya minimum kriteria definitif atau. Slicc criteria for sle slicc classification criteria for sle. Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus npsle didefinisikan sebagai kelainan p a da. Tata laksana penyakit lupus sistemik sle untuk tata laksana pasien sle yang terpenting tentu diagnosis sle harus ditegakkan sesuai dengan kriteria standar, yaitu kriteria internasional yang terbaru. The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus sle must be based on the proper constellation of clinical findings and laboratory evidence. Background systemic lupus erythematosus sle is a disease with an autoimmune origin, which occurs nine times more often. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle bimaariotejos blog. Dengan kriteria ini, spesivisitas mencapai 95% dan sensitivitas 75%. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle dengan anemia aplastik. Karena itu angka yang pasti tentang jumlah orang yang terserang oleh penyakit ini sulit untuk diperoleh. Diagnosis sle ditegakkan berdasarkan manifestasi klinis dan kriteria imunologis.

Ketepatan diagnosis dan pengenalan dini penyakit sle menjadi penting. Terdapat 14 kriteria untuk sle,diagnosa dapat ditegakkan jika mempunyai 4 kriteria atau lebih. The first classification criteria for sle were developed in 1971, revised in 1982, and adopted by the american college of rheumatology acr in 1997. This complex clinical presentation and pathogenesis makes sle a difficult disease to grasp and. The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus requires the presence of four or more of the following 11 criteria, serially or simultaneously, during any period of observation. Discoid rash raised erythematous patches with keratotic scaling, follicular plugging, and atrophic scarring 3.

Acr diagnostic guidelines johns hopkins arthritis center. Familiarity with the diagnostic criteria helps clinicians to recognize sle and to subclassify this complex disease based on the pattern of targetorgan manifestations. Edi hidayat free download as powerpoint presentation. Sistemic lupus erythematosus sle astriwidia87s blog. Due to this heterogeneity, sle remains challenging to diagnose in clinical practice. Slicc classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus. The diagnosis of sle and ra was based on the 2015 systemic lupus international collaborating clinics slicc and american college of. Slicc criteria for sle slicc classification criteria for. Diagnosis lupus lupus adalah penyakit yang sulit untuk didiagnosis, karena gejalanya yang beragam dan bisa berbedabeda pada tiap orang. Namun, apabila didapatkan hasil positif, hal tersebut memenuhi salah satu kriteria imunologis pada sle sehingga masih. Kriteria diagnosis sle berdasarkan systemic lupus international collaborating clinics slicc kriteria slicc ini digunakan menggantikan kriteria acr. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is an autoimmune disease in which the bodys immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. Tahun 1997 kriteria ini juga mengalami revisi pada kriteria yang ke10 yaitu adanya sel le tidak lagi digunakan sebagai salah satu kriteria. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is a multiorgan disease with protean manifestations.

Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is a complex autoimmune disease with variable clinical features 1, 2. Untuk gambaran lebih lanjut gejala dan tanda penyakit lupus serta kriteria diagnosis lupussle menurut slicc dapat disimak di tautan ini. Slicc classification criteria for sle amith balachandran, department of anaesthesia, cmc vellore, and ashish jacob mathew, assistant professor, department of rheumatology, cmc, vellore. The clinical signs for diagnosis are known those described in the revised criteria for sle ara acr, this is a set of 11 criteria 8 clinical and 3 laboratory. Kriteria diagnostik sle pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh american college of. Treatment in sle aims at remission or low disease activity and. Systemic lupus erythematosus sle is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting a number of organs and organ systems 1,2. Acreular classification criteria for sclerosis ssc. Yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah membantu pasien lupus sistemik mendapatkan akses pengobatan.

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